Why Dare?

Our country stands at a curious inflection point, with religious zealots perched in some of the highest offices even as the allure of fundamentalism crumbles, and where scientific illiteracy and denialism echo through the halls of power, despite that science and reason offer the only compass by which we may yet mitigate the damage of climate change and navigate such civilizational dangers as lie on our horizon. 

Then there’s our perverse march backward in history, with the gutting of voting rights, a renewed assault on women, a brazen antipathy toward marginalized communities, and the stripping away of human dignity in the name of tribalism, nativism, hatred and fear. 

If you are disturbed by these trends and would like to alter our course, mark your calendars and join an inspiring collection of activists, authors, educators, and secular leaders in Richmond, Virginia for a conference that will focus on: 

  • science broadly defined – with a particular emphasis on evolution, climate change
  • the foundational role critical thinking plays in helping us understand reality, identify potential problems, and make wise decisions humanitarian principles
  • the inequitable conditions faced by marginalized communities
  • proactively addressing big picture problems that reach beyond our own narrow interests
  • a full-throated embrace of secular ethics, civic activism, and political engagement - which allow us to channel comprehension and concern into beneficial social reform 

Anchored by the directors and founders of major secular organizations; by secular individuals who’ve sought public office and by grassroots organizers with the passion and expertise to change how we do politics; by proponents of science, secularism, and expanding the pool of people we care about, this conference gives us the opportunity to put Richmond on the map as a hub for Humanist activity.