Schedule - Dare to Care

Saved by Science & Humanism: Dare to Care Conference

Saturday April 13th

Great Hall of First Unitarian Universalist Church

1000 Blanton Ave, Richmond, VA 23221


8am-9am check in / setup

9-9:15am Rob Penczak - Introduction

9:15-9:20am Jason Callahan - Humanist Invocation

9:20-10:05am Roy Speckhardt – A Conversation on Humanism

10:05-10:35am Robyn Blumner – Science Denial in the United States and What We Can Do About It.

*************************   10 MIN BREAK  ********************

10:45-11:00am Larry Mendoza - A Tidbit on Critical Thinking

11:00-11:40am Christine Shellska – Rhetoric as a Tool to Advance Skepticism

11:40-12:15pm Anthony Magnabosco - Caring Enough to Change Minds

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************  45 MINUTE LUNCH BREAK 12:15-1pm IN GREAT HALL ************

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1:00-2:00pm Jason Callahan (moderator), Mandisa ThomasCandace Gorham & Tiffany Green - No Saviors Allowed: The Real on Black Secular Activism, and What we all need to DO!

2:00-2:20pm Lilandra Ra – Humanism and Ethics in Science

2:20-2:40pm Hypatia Alexandria – Planning our cities including underserved populations to achieve a more equitable society

*************************   10 MIN BREAK  ********************

2:50-3:30pm Sylvia Clute – Creating a Parallel Model of Justice: Unitive, not Punitive  

3:30-4:10pm Krissi Vandenberg - Considering Speciesism: Under the Umbrella of Humanism

  • 5 minute catch up if needed

4:15-5:00pm   Mark Reimers – Understanding ourselves in evolutionary terms: the new neuroscience of human nature

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************  45 MIN DINNER BREAK 5:00-5:45pm IN GREAT HALL *************

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5:45-6:25pm Bertha Vazquez – Teachers Helping Teachers with Evolution Education: How Richard Dawkins Made it Happen

6:25-7:05pm David Tamayo – Artificial Intelligence & Transhumanism

*************************   10 MIN BREAK  ********************

7:15-8:00 pm Aron Ra – Religious “Values” - Exploring how little of the dominant faith's perspective is actually valuable or praiseworthy.

  • 5 minute catch up if needed

8:05-9:00 pm Street Epistemology Hands-on Workshop with Anthony Magnabosco



Sunday April 14th

Event Hall of Diversity Richmond

1407 Sherwood Ave, Richmond, VA 23220

9:30-10:00am check in / setup

10:00-10:10am Bill Harrison - Welcome

10:10-10:15 Tiffany Green – Humanist Invocation

10:15-10:55 Larry Decker – Keeping the ‘Faith’ – why we must continue to engage even when progress feels impossible

10:55-11:25 Samantha McGuire Larry Mendoza - Do the things! Building communities through activism

*************************   10 MIN BREAK  ********************

11:35-11:45 Rob Penczak – Addressing Climate Change

11:45-12:20 Chris Wiegard - Climate solution: price carbon, refund money

  • 5 minute catch up if needed

12:25-1:00 Sam Mickens – Racial Divisions in America: Lessons from South Africa

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********************  45 MIN LUNCH BREAK 1:00-1:45pm *******************

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1:45-2:30 Key LGBTQ+ Issues moderated by Lacette Cross with Bill HarrisonApryl Prentiss, and Jeanne Pupke

2:30-3:05 Muhammad Syed: Ex-Muslims of North America

  • 5 minute catch up if needed

3:10-3:55 Secular Organizations Leaders Panel moderated by Samantha McGuire (*who will also be representing Washington Area Secular Humanists and American Atheists)

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4:05-4:50 Secular and Political Activism moderated by Lisa Fleming with Ron Millar, Jenefer Hughes, Aron Ra, and Wynne LeGrow

  • 5 minute catch up if needed

4:55-5:40pm Becky Conner & Justin Jones – Effective Grassroots Activism