Ron Millar is the Political and PAC Coordinator at the Center for Freethought Equality. The Center for Freethought Equality is the advocacy arm of the American Humanist Association. Ron researches and interviews political candidates and elected officials for possible endorsement by the Freethought Equality Fund PAC, whose goal is to increase the number of open atheists, agnostics, and freethinkers in public office. When he started in this position in early 2016 there were 5 public nontheists serving in state legislatures -- today there are over 50 in federal and state office. Ron has spent more than thirty-five years in the Washington DC area working for nonprofit education and advocacy groups, including serving as the associate director of the Secular Coalition for America from 2005 to 2009. Earning a PhD from Virginia Tech, his dissertation explored organizational learning among groups litigating church-state cases before the Supreme Court.